Cemetery Today

2008 August 22

Created by Patty 15 years ago
As if things weren't stressful and emotional enough today... while we were visiting the cemetery this afternoon, the kids went over the bank to play by the river..as they always do, but this time was different...Em fell and scraped up her leg. The Grimes family was there visiting David too and thankfully with their help we got Em cleaned up some, although there was one gash on her leg that was quite deep and bleeding pretty bad. Knowing that she probably needed stitches or at least a good cleaning, since the hole was filled with dirt and small stones, I shuddered at the thought of going to Robinson's ER....NOT ever again..and definitely NOT TODAY. We ended up at the Med Center in Kent where she got 6 stitches in her leg. Considering she just got the cast of her arm on Monday..seems like "joy" just never ends for us. Can you say padded cell? Patty in a paddy! P.S. You should've seen the look on the nurse when she asked Em how it happened and Em replied "I fell at my Dad's cemetery" or when she answered the same question to the doctor "I was playing at the cemetery". I'm surprised they didn't hold me til the authorities came for questioning! I just know I'll end up in some kind of CELL sometime!