Country Music

2007 November 29

Created by Patty 16 years ago
Anyone that knew David, would know of his love of country music. I have spoken of how I miss David pulling into the driveway in his beat-up old Lumnina, windows down, 94.9 cranked up on the radio, and him belting out the lyrics to some country song. Or when he would sing along to the radio in the shower. So many songs remind me of him, of us and our love for each other. We used to just turn on a CD and slow dance and sing along together. Slow dancing with him was one time I didn't mind having to look up his nose! :) It was just another chance to be in his arms. Before the kids our dancing would be romantic....after the kids, it would turn into a family dance...the 4 of us huddled together swaying to the music. I will forever cherish our music many songs have so much meaning to us....and now, especially to me.